Friday, February 02, 2007

Chocolate Frenzy

All too often we've suffered the greeny yellow haze. All too often we have to answer the call of chocolate. Today was no exception so, having read all about it on this very student blog, we headed down to the College Shop in room 034 to see what would satisfy our calling.
Students were working hard in the shop, but we interrupted them to see if they were enjoying themselves. Sian told us she was "Enjoying working on the till", whilst Hashim added that he, "Likes putting prices on items." They all enjoyed doing the books, and definitely liked communicating with customers.
Most importantly, your blog reporter was able to walk away with a bag of crisps and a couple of bars of chocolate to deal with that craving! Yum!
So, give the College Shop a visit any Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday, between 12noon and 2pm.

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