Friday, February 09, 2007

Ploughing through the snow

Whilst the gritter lorries and snow ploughs had to crawl out to try to get the UK on the move, it was down to the staff in the college to clear a path in time for what students were able to get in.

The overnight snowfall had even started to bury the college's own 'plough' as part of the 'whiteout' that we woke to yesterday.

For some people the snow can be very picturesque and artistic, even calming and peaceful. These pictures were taken at first light before work commenced on making the college grounds safe by clearing the snow away and scattering salt.

Proudly, the college grounds were cleared and ready long before anything was done for the early morning traffic on the Forest Road outside which had no option but to crawl and slide slowly along.(A sultry figure uses the showfall as an opportunity to bury someone she's just hit over the head with a shovel)

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