Monday, September 24, 2007

Fashion, turn to the left, Fashion, turn to the right

(press the > arrow above to play the video, and turn your speakers up)

A highlight of the college year is the Annual Fashion Show. Some say 2007 was the best yet. The college's Creative Media Resources department were there with three professional cameras capturing the event, relaying it onto the big screen, and recording everything. They hope to bring a full video out soon.

Meanwhile, here's a quickfire collection of shots from the days on the catwalk for you to enjoy.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Introducing Student Services

(press the > arrow above to play the video, and turn your speakers up!)

If you're not sure what's what and who's who, the college's Creative Media Resources department have been putting together videos where different departments introduce themselves.

Here's a very useful one for starters, from the Student Services department, the first point of contact for all student information and guidance.

Monday, September 10, 2007

A warm welcome

The Blog polled a number of potential new students a few days ago during the first Enrolment week.

Remember - Enrolment continues this week, even though it's also Induction Week and a few courses have already started. (So, it's not too late to sign-up and join us!)

Anyway, we spoke to Akli who will be joining us as part of the ESOL New Start course. We wanted to know how he rated the Enrolment experience.

"Very good, Very quick," he told your Blog.

You can see him working with Adrian from Student Services in the Mallinson to prepare his ID card.

The Mallinson restaurant is only used during Enrolment week to help ease congestion for the large number of potential students coming into the college. From this week, everything will revert to being managed from within Student Services (right next to Reception).

Back in the main Student Services office we found Sopia signing up for an International Business course. She commented that her experience had been "Very Good." She also told us, "I've found everybody so helpful and the students handbook very informative."

Let's hope they have the best of success on their courses and enjoy their time here at the college.

How was Enrolment for you? We'd love to read your comments. Just click on the 'comments' link below and let us know...

Monday, September 03, 2007

Roll-up Roll-up and Enrol

Welcome back to the official student blog of Waltham Forest College. We are here blogging again for the new Academic Year of 2007 to 2008.

Although the college's Enrolment officially commenced on Saturday, staff have had the pleasure of meeting potential new students for a while, as they started coming in during the middle of last week.

Compared to previous years, the college has altered the layout with Course Tutors and information being dealt with in the hall, and then funding and other registration issues being dealt with in both the main Student Services office and also the Mallinson restaurant.

For newbies the college can seem a bit confusing, especially as the prestigious and historic steps in the front bring people into the Main Reception area on the second floor, not the ground floor! When you want to leave you have to remember to head for the second floor.

However, finding a room is quite easy with following tips from old timers:-

Firstly, rooms are numbered with three digits, like, for example, room 123. The first digit, in this case the '1', indicates the floor you need to be on, the first floor (It's '0' for the ground floor).

Then, it helps to know that rooms are numbered in such a way that if you walk down a corridor, as you pass the rooms on your left, they will always be going up in number. The rooms on your right will always be going down in number. Confused? No, honestly, it does make sense once you've sussed it. Just keep walking down the corridor counting the room numbers steadily going up (to your left) or going down (to your right) until you get to the room number you want.

Anyway, hopefully not too many potential students will be lost forever in the maze, and we can look forward to seeing them as fellow students from next week.