Monday, April 30, 2007

Can we do you now?

Hi from the Hair and Beauty salon in the Forest Road building. We're constantly on the look-out for victims - sorry that should read, "clients" who want a free or reduced rate hair cut or treatment.
At certain times of the day volunteers are needed as models for us to practice on or to work on as part of exams and assessment.
Here in the foreground you can see Hannah and Jasmine.
Hannah from Level 2 Hairdressing says, "I have always been interested in hairdressing since my first ever trip to a hairdressers at the age of 12. I find the hairdressing industry is vast and opportunities are always at hand depending on how creative and dedicated one is."
Hannah continues, "The course I am currently taking is a 12 month course and I'm guaranteed a qualification at the end as long as I work hard. It is very convenient if you want to qualify quickly. And I am really enjoying my course too!"
Jasmine (pictured next to Hannah) is also spending 3 days a week on the Adult Intensive course and is proud to say that she came 4th in the recent Hair and Beauty Total Look competition for her model's 'Weather' look.
The Hair and Beauty Salon can be reached on 8501 8212 or you can pop in anytime to room 130.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Mysterious ray zaps students at airport

Could it be that what you are seeing is the final moments before students were zapped by a death ray?
Or is it before they were dematerialised by some transporter beam?
It's just the BTEC First Diploma travel and tourism students wearing extremely flattering refective jackets.
We recently visited London City Airport, and were able to see airport and airline operations in action.
We had the opportunity to go both landside and air side (for which normal access is for departing and arriving air passengers only).
It was a very enjoyable and informative trip and one which lots of information could be gathered so as to complete many courseworks.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Want to edit this blog?

We're looking for students (none of those staff folk) to help run this blog.

Is that you or you and your mate?

If you have a little bit of time and fancy taking charge of what appears here, then get in touch.

You don't have to know how to put it together technically, but the blog needs people who are interested in deciding which articles should go on it.

You can get as involved as you like, helping out a bit, or helping out a lot. It's up to you.

Maybe you want to go round taking pictures and getting stories together for the blog. Maybe you want to just be an 'editor' of the stories that come in. Whatever.

We do need your help.

Why not chat to us about this? Text us or email us and we'll get back to you asap.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Welcome back: Happy St George's Day!

Some folk want today, St George's Day, to become a national holiday for all of us that live in England, just like other countries have their national day off! (And why do Scotland get an extra day over Christmas / New Year compared to us lot?)

Anyways. It's not a day off, but the first day of the last term of 2007 here at WFC.

Now, for a lot of us that means exams. Yeah exams happen all year round, but maybe this term is a bit heavier than others. But please, don't panic.

Now then. If there's anything you'd like to see recorded forever on your WFC Student Blog you need to make contact asap.

It doesn't need to be about exams, but about anything you are up to. Have a read through our archives and you'll see how anything and everything can make it here! It's up to you.

If you've got pictures, maybe on your mobile, then that's even better. All we need is a few facts about your good news, and we can write the story. Or, we'll print everything exactly as you write it. It's up to you.

We try not to include too much about the staff since this is supposed to be a Student Blog, but from time to time stories about them are good too. It's up to you.

Got stuff you want to pass on to 'your place for stuff about your place'?

Email us at or text us your pics to
07737 239 334

If you're not sure about how to pass things on to us, no problem, just make contact and we'll sort it. Importantly, if you've got no pictures, and you've got no time to write anything, still get in contact. We'll write stuff for you, and take some pictures if you want us to! All we need is 3 minutes of your time to get an idea of what your good news is. We'll then write it and put it straight on the blog.

Finally, and most importantly, we wish you loads of luck for this Summer term. Enjoy.