Wednesday, January 17, 2007

The Light, some Poison, and a Skull


"Poison Sea - Poison Me."

How would you artistically interpret the concept of how we are poisoning our planet?

This question was put to students on the BTEC Diploma in Foundation Studies In Art course.

Amongst the initial responses were these 3D collages from mature student Pam showing the horror of an oil tanker causing disaster on the beach, and then this poor fish swimming in the dirty slick below.

The collages are three dimensional and can be touched - assuming you don't mind the slightly yeuchy feeling of the oily fish's dirty scales and fins.

Pam told us she thinks the course is "fantastic".

agreed with her saying he is really enjoying his time developing his artistic skills.

He proudly wanted to show-off this moody and thought provoking work dealing with the Impact of Light.

Finally it was the turn of Eleni to step forward to your blog photographer.

"Photograph this" she demanded without a very clear explanation as to what "this" actually was.

Or maybe that should read 'who' this was rather than 'what' it was.

It looks like we may need to return to the Foundation Studies in Art course to investigate this further in the future!

"Which way to the canteen,


I's starvin' to death innit!"

Got a better caption? Leave it here


Anonymous said...

Got a suggestion for a better caption to put with the skull?

Anonymous said...

who you calling a numb skull?

Anonymous said...

Man that was a heavy night

Anonymous said...

"The fight to become President of the Student Union took a sinister turn...."

Anonymous said...

bad 2 da bone