Monday, October 23, 2006

The College is Speednetworking

Enterprise, creativity and innovation thrive on networks - if you want to make your ideas happen, you need to get connected - fast!

The college is getting involved with Speednetworking the Nation. This will be a fun, high energy way to promote the importance of networking. It will unleash a creative mix of ideas and connections. In just one hour every participant will have a new network of useful contacts, advisors, like-minds, potential customers, suppliers or simply interesting people.

The first ever Speednetworking extravaganza will take place on the Friday of Enterprise Week.

There will be hundreds of simultaneous speednetworking events across the country in schools, colleges, businesses, universities, enterprise centres, cafes, train stations and shopping malls - connecting people and ideas across the country.
You can even use this Blog as part of your networking experience now by exchanging ideas.
We will be holding an exciting interactive event within the college - more detail coming soon.

Date: Friday 17th November

Start: 12 noon

Be part of something big!

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