Tuesday, December 12, 2006

All I want for Christmas is a home

As we wind down for the Christmas break, we need to spare a thought for the homeless.

Vision 12 and Focus 12 students thought it was only right to try and help. After a week of intensive writing and composing, they put together for a local charity a book of their poems (pictured above).

The book was launched at a special signing on Monday.

During the signing a sobering presentation explained the work of the Branches Day Centre, a homeless shelter in Forest Road.

They later benefited from a donation of the initial proceeds from the first of books that were sold. The cheque was proudly presented by Claire on behalf of the students. Afterwards she said, "When I presented the cheque to the Branches users it really hit home to me how much this meant to them."

Then, to round things off poet Neal Zetter read some of his own work, and a selection of poems from the book.

Adam told us, "It was good, Neal read out my poem, I was embarrassed but it was great to hear my words read by a professional."

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